Silver Fox is committed to contributing to the global efforts towards the climate crisis and has been since the company began in 1979. Their initiatives have meant that in 2018, Silver Fox became Carbon Neutral. Then, in 2020, they became the first manufacturing company in Hertfordshire, UK, to become Carbon Negative.

  • Tree Planting

    In 2018, we introduced Carbon Footprint, which helps calculate the yearly carbon footprint of the company. Every year, we assess the usage of cars, plane trips, gas and electricity, and more to calculate how much CO2 the company produce each year, and then Carbon Footprint calculates the number of trees that it would take to offset our release of CO2 from the previous year.

  • Solar Panels

    In 2012, here at Silver Fox, we installed solar panels in our office building. In the last nine years, the panels have created more than 32,000 kWh of renewable energy. This renewable energy has been used by not only Silver Fox but also the local network within Hertfordshire. Thus helping the surrounding businesses as well.

  • Utilities

    Silver Fox has been working systematically to reduce its energy consumption. So far, their office and factory have low-energy boilers; they introduced low-energy lighting throughout their facility in 2019 and added insulation and secondary glazing.

  • We have also introduced two other initiatives to continue to try and plant as many trees as possible; to help lower the CO2 in the atmosphere in any way we can.

  • Review Forest

    Firstly we have ReviewForest; the concept is simple for every Google review Silver Fox receives – whether it is good or bad – ReviewForest plants a tree in their name.

  • Ecosia

    Secondly, we have installed Ecosia on all of our company computers. This is because, for every 45 searches on the Ecosia search engine, Ecosia will plant 1 tree.

Silver Fox recognises the importance of supporting those who are less fortunate than us. This is why Silver Fox makes monthly donations to WaterAid, The Woodland Trust, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, Save a Child’s Heart and Darlands Conservation Trust. In addition, Silver Fox tries to help in any other way they can. For example, in 2021, our team spent a day at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice helping plant a garden for the children and their families to enjoy.

  • WaterAid

    “We are proud to support WaterAid as our chosen charity. You can find out more at”.

  • Noah's Ark Children's Hospice

    We are proud to support Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice as our chosen charity. You can find out more at”.